Climate Positive

Last month I joined up with Ecologi and their Climate Positive Workforce scheme - you may have noticed the new icon in the footer of my website! It works as a way to offset my business carbon emissions by supporting projects across the world through tree-planting and building renewable energy resources. Currently I am supporting 2 projects through the scheme - Wind Energy in Andhra Pradesh, India and Preserving Brazilian Rainforest.

Carbon off-setting in itself is not a fix-all solution and I am using offsetting as just one part of my sustainability plan. Doing something is always better than doing nothing in regards to the environment, and I have also been working to reduce my emissions as much as possible.

Working towards a greener and more sustainable future, seeing the number of trees planted acts as a reminder of the environmental damage caused through running a small business and I see it as an opportunity to help support reforestation, green innovation and technology.

Read more on the carbon off-setting scheme here:


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